Boosts brain power

best 9 tiny morning habits that help boosts brain power and enhance memory sharpen

Ist your brain is power house of your body and starting your day with right habits can optimal for cognitive functions. You can significantly Boosts Brain Power and increase memory focus and overall brain power. There have 9 tiny morning habits that help boosts brain power and increased memory in routine wise. Our some daily Morning routine can make your brain sharper.

10 tiny morning habits that help boosts brain power

habits everyone should adopt for a healthy brain sharpen

If we should take regular physical activities that boosts brain power supplement, adequate sleeping, and stress management are all important components of maintaining brain health. We staying mentally active by reading, solving puzzles, and engaging in stimulating can help sharpen memory and focus of brain. Don’t worry you’re not alone! Your brain needs a little warm up, you just like your body, to function at its best.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Brain Power

with a twist wake up and drink water

Before you drink coffee, drink a glass of water. You’re brain is 75% with water, and dehydration can cause brain fog and slow thinking process. If we add a squeeze of lemon or a pinch of pink salt then both helps with hydration process and provide crucial minerals that supports brain functions. Try to set drinking your water while standing in sun. We want to drink water from the well.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Brain Power

adopt superman pose in daily morning

You know that holding a superman power pose can increase confidence and reduced stress? Try the superman pose that stand tall, hands on your hips, chest out and take a long and deep breaths for two 2 minutes. This process is not only wakes up your brain but also boosts oxygen flow, helping you think more clearly. This boosts brain power poses can enhanced cognitive performance.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Superman Pose

only half minute opposite hand challenge

We want to activate new neural pathways in your boosts brain power functions? We have use your non dominant hand for small tasks like stirring your coffee, or unlocking your mobile phone, take a ball for supports and brushing your teeth. It forces your brain to hardens, enhanced coordination and memory sharpen.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Hand Challenge

before breakfast eat a brain boosting snack

Before you dive into your usually breakfast, grab a handful of walnuts, almonds, blueberries, or dark chocolate. These foods are rich in oxidative stress and omega 3 fatty acids, which supports memory sharpen cognitive performance. We will try soaking walnuts and almonds overnight because they beneficial components that improved brain health.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Breakfast Morning

4 minute quick game boosts memory

When we scroll through multiple things on our mobiles in the morning, our memory gets sharpened and we have to clear it all. By doing this our brain gets exercised neural connections and improve recall speeds.

laughing in morning time

We do not want to laugh too much, which increases the dopamine hormone. Laughing less enhances memory and motivation. In early morning we watch funy clips, read a joke, or even fake laugh. This trick improve your memory sharpen and boosts brain power functions.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Morning Laughing and Fighting

memory walk in morning and no mobile allowed

If we should walk early in morning daily routine wise and no mobile allow during walking then we will enhanced our brain performance and memory sharpening. Step outside for a 5-10 minutes walk without looking at your mobile phone, focus on your near by, observed different colors, sound, and smells. These things boosts your memory sharpening.

Boosts brain power
Photo: Walking

one minute journaling

If we are sitting alone, why don’t we spend some time journaling to get new ideas? These thought increase memory attentions a dream you had last night one thing you want to focus on today. These new ideas increase your brain functions and performances.

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